Tuesday, December 7, 2010

America: Consumed more than we bargained for?

                                        Swallowed Resources


            "How do American consumption patterns affect people and the Planet?" This question is asked by many food critics and researches around the globe. Food INC. is an excellent example of how to find the answer. It explains about how if demand for certain food is in high amount, then fast food and other food suppling companies will sell cheap healthy food. Our Carbon Copies tells about how America is making a mistake by consuming more in middle class and having problems, while European countries survive well in middle class by consuming less. Doha and Dalian are 2 cities talked about in this story, are two tech towns that consume almost as much as Americans. This is how much Americans consume.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

NASA Photo Shows Russian Volcano Erupting

 NASA captured photographs of an active volcano in Klyuchevskaya on October 11'th around 12:37 PM.Several hours after the picture was taken, the volcano shot out a plume of ash to an altitude of 33,000 feet. Plumes of smoke can effect in breathing problems for Klyuchevskaya's local residents, and counter the other gases in the earth's atmosphere. Volcano's are important for heat, and for views, but they are highly dangerous when they erupt their 1,250 degree Celsius lava down the slopes endangering anything in it's wake. Though they have negative effects, they affect the people positively too. Hot springs need the underground heating of volcano's to warm the water. People have less crimes happen, because marauders are afraid of eruption, and some animals prefer volcanoes. A negative would be that volcanoes burn up oxygen  faster than any other land form on the planet. This reflects 2 themes of geography such as human environmental and place.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oktober Fest storms Germany!

For over 200 years, many Germans have celebrated their great harvests and luck of the year, by hosting an annual festival. This festival is known as Oktober fest, and took place on September 18'th marking the 200 year anniversary of this acclaimed German "Holiday". Most events on the first day, consists of beer drinking and parties. On the second day, a "Beer Tent", is put up to have famous German brewers show off their best made batch. 
The sheer numbers that come to this joyous occasion would blow your mind.For more information about Oktoberfest, see this video or try your local library. http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=YBy56or9x7Y